Digitale trusselbildet HVA ER DET DIGITALE TRUSSELBILDET I DAG? Alle ansatte i iO Data gjennomgår i disse dager Norsk Sikkerhetsråd (NSR.no) sitt kurs i digital
Digitale trusselbildet HVA ER DET DIGITALE TRUSSELBILDET I DAG? Alle ansatte i iO Data gjennomgår i disse dager Norsk Sikkerhetsråd (NSR.no) sitt kurs i digital
We are pleased to announce that iO Data and OvationData is forming a partnership for the Scandinavian marked. The partnership is a recognition of the major synergies that both companies offer each other in the field of data management within the oil and gas related industries.
iO Data hosted a meeting with Sandnes Municipality’s Business Council to present our company and our future plans. Among the participants were the Mayor, Chief Municipal Executive and Director of Economic Development.
iO Data announces a strategic partnership with Cegal, the leading provider of IT and geoscience solutions to the oil and gas industry!
iO Data are pleased to announce that Wellesley Petroleum has selected our new iO MapClip platform to hold a full overview of their data.
iO Data receives funding from Innovation Norway to continue bulding our software for the Oil&Gas business
iO Data vil digitalisere Norge
En nyoppstartet bedrift i Sandnes skal gjennom innovasjon gjøre det enklere og rimeligere å sikre bedrifters informasjon
iO Data is now awarded a Certificate of Qualification from Achilles and JQS